Source code for pysimlink.utils.model_utils

import os
import pickle
import time
from pysimlink.utils import annotation_utils as anno
from pysimlink.lib.model_types import DataType
import numpy as np
import warnings

def infer_defines(model_paths: "anno.ModelPaths"):
    """When defines.txt is not present, add the only required defines for pysimlink

        model_paths: instance of ModelPaths object pointing to the root _model

        List of _model defines. These are added the CMakeLists.txt

    ret = [f"MODEL={model_paths.root_model_name}"]
    return ret

def get_other_in_dir(directory: str, known: str):
    """In a directory containing only two directories, get the name of the other we don't know

        directory: path to the directory
        known: The file/folder known to exist in the directory

         the other directory/file in the directory

    model_folders = set(os.listdir(directory))
    assert (
        len(model_folders) == 2
    ), f"Directory '{directory}' contains more than 2 folders (not counting .DS_Store on Mac)"
    assert (
        known in model_folders
    ), f"File does not exist in {directory}. Should be one of {model_folders}"

    return model_folders.pop()

def with_read_lock(func: callable) -> callable:
    """Use as decorator (@with_lock) around object methods that need locking.

    Note: The object must have a self._lock property.
    Locking thus works on the object level (no two locked methods of the same
    object can be called asynchronously).

    Inspired by `Rllib <>`_

        func: The function to decorate/wrap.
        The wrapped (object-level locked) function.

    def wrapper(self, *a, **k):
            with self._lock.read_lock():
                return func(self, *a, **k)
        except AttributeError as e:
            if "has no attribute '_lock'" in e.args[0]:
                raise AttributeError(
                    "Object {} must have a `self._lock` property (assigned "
                    "to a fasteners.InterProcessReaderWriterLock object in its "
            raise e

    return wrapper

def mt_rebuild_check(model_paths: "anno.ModelPaths", force_rebuild: bool) -> bool:
    Prevent the model from being rebuilt in every multithreading instance

        model_paths (anno.ModelPaths): instance of the model paths object. Used to get the tmp_dir
        force_rebuild (bool): flag set by the user that forces the model to rebuild

         True if the model should rebuild because of the force_rebuild flag and has not already
    if not force_rebuild:
        return False

    compile_info = os.path.join(model_paths.tmp_dir, "compile_info.pkl")
    if not os.path.exists(compile_info):
        return True

    with open(compile_info, "rb") as f:
        info = pickle.load(f)

    if info["parent"] == os.getppid():
        tdiff = time.time() - info["time"]

        # assume that it takes at least 1 second to start a separate instance of a program
        # If it takes less than 1 second, then we assume it is run within the same python
        # instance
        return tdiff > 1.0
        return True

def sanitize_model_name(model_name):
    return model_name.replace(" ", "").replace("-", "_").lower()

def cast_type(value: "anno.Value", dtype: "anno.DataType", orientations):
    if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
        value_cp = np.array(value, dtype=dtype.pythonType)
        if value_cp != value:
                f"Datatype of value does not match parameter: Data loss detected! ({value} -> {value_cp})",
        value = value_cp

    if str(value.dtype) != dtype.pythonType:
            f"Datatype of value does not match parameter. Expected {dtype.pythonType} got {value.dtype}",

    if dtype.dims != value.shape:
        # We can perform reshaping and formatting in one operation
        orientation = (
            "F" if dtype.orientation in [orientations.col_major_nd, orientations.col_major] else "C"
        value = np.reshape(value, tuple(dtype.dims), orientation)
        if str(value.dtype) != dtype.pythonType:
            value = value.astype(dtype.pythonType)
        ## We can perform type casting and formatting in one operation
        if dtype.orientation in [orientations.col_major_nd, orientations.col_major]:
            value = np.asfortranarray(value, dtype=dtype.pythonType)
        elif dtype.orientation in [orientations.row_major_nd, orientations.row_major]:
            value = np.ascontiguousarray(value, dtype=dtype.pythonType)
        elif str(value.dtype) != dtype.pythonType:
            value = value.astype(dtype.pythonType)

    return value