Source code for pysimlink.lib.model

import os
import sys
import warnings

import numpy as np

if != "nt":
    from fcntl import lockf, LOCK_EX, LOCK_UN
    import msvcrt
# import tempfile

from pysimlink.lib.model_paths import ModelPaths
from pysimlink.utils import annotation_utils as anno
from pysimlink.utils.model_utils import mt_rebuild_check, sanitize_model_name, cast_type
from pysimlink.lib.model_types import DataType, ModelInfo
from pysimlink.lib.spinner import open_spinner
import pickle
import time
import importlib

[docs]class Model: """ Instance of the simulink mode. This class compiles and imports the model once built. You can have multiple instances of the same model in one python runtime. """ _model_paths: "anno.ModelPaths" _compiler: "anno.Compiler"
[docs] def __init__( # pylint: disable=R0913 self, model_name: str, path_to_model: str, compile_type: str = "grt", suffix: str = "rtw", tmp_dir: "anno.Optional[str]" = None, force_rebuild: bool = False, skip_compile: bool = False, generator: str = None, ): """ Args: model_name (str): name of the root simulink model path_to_model (str): path to the directory containing code generated from the Simulink Coder *or* the packaged zip file compile_type (str): Makefile template used to generate code from Simulink Coder. Only GRT is supported. suffix (str): Simulink Coder folders are almost always suffixed with rtw (real time workshop). tmp_dir (Optional[str]): Path to the directory that will be used to build the model. Defaults to :file:`__pycache__/{model_name}` force_rebuild (bool): force pysimlink to recompile the model from the source located at :code:`path_to_model`. Removes all build artifacts. skip_compile (bool): skip compilation of the model. This is useful if you have already compiled the model and just want to import it. generator (str): Type of generator to use for cmake. defaults to :code:`NMake Makefiles` on windows and :code:`Unix Makefiles` on mac/linux. Attributes: orientations: enumeration describing matrix orientations (row major, column major, etc.). This enumeration is likely the same among all models, but could change across MATLAB versions. """ self._model_paths = ModelPaths(path_to_model, model_name, compile_type, suffix, tmp_dir, skip_compile) if generator is None: if == "nt": generator = "NMake Makefiles" else: generator = "Unix Makefiles" self._compiler = self._model_paths.compiler_factory(generator) self._lock() # Check need to compile if ( (mt_rebuild_check(self._model_paths, force_rebuild) or self._compiler.needs_to_compile()) and not skip_compile ): # Need to compile with open_spinner("Compiling"): self._compiler.compile() with open(os.path.join(self._model_paths.tmp_dir, "compile_info.pkl"), "wb") as f: obj = {"pid": os.getpid(), "parent": os.getppid(), "time": time.time()} pickle.dump(obj, f) self._unlock() self.path_dirs = [] for dir, _, _ in os.walk( os.path.join(self._model_paths.tmp_dir, "build", "out", "library") ): sys.path.append(dir) self.path_dirs.append(dir) self.module = importlib.import_module(self._model_paths.module_name) model_class = getattr( self.module, sanitize_model_name(self._model_paths.root_model_name) + "_Model" ) self._model = model_class(self._model_paths.root_model_name) self.orientations = getattr( self.module, sanitize_model_name(self._model_paths.root_model_name) + "_rtwCAPI_Orientation", )
def __del__(self): if sys.path is not None and hasattr(self, "path_dirs"): for dir in self.path_dirs: sys.path.remove(dir) # if hasattr(self, "module"): # del sys.modules[self.module] # sys.modules.remove(self.module)
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Get the total number of steps this model can run """ return int(self.tFinal / self.step_size)
def _lock(self): f = open(os.path.join(self._model_paths.tmp_dir, self._model_paths.root_model_name + ".lock"), "w") if == "nt": rv = msvcrt.locking(f.fileno(), msvcrt.LK_LOCK, 1) else: rv = lockf(f, LOCK_EX) f.write(str(os.getpid())) f.close() def _unlock(self): f = open(os.path.join(self._model_paths.tmp_dir, self._model_paths.root_model_name + ".lock"), "w") if == "nt": rv = msvcrt.locking(f.fileno(), msvcrt.LK_UNLCK, 1) else: rv = lockf(f, LOCK_UN) f.close()
[docs] def get_params(self) -> "list[anno.ModelInfo]": """ Return an instance of all parameters, blocks, and signals in the _model See :func:`pysimlink.print_all_params` for iterating and printing the contents of this object Returns: list[:class:`pysimlink.types.ModelInfo`]: List of model info, one for each model (if reference models present). One ModelInfo if no reference models """ return list(map(ModelInfo, self._model.get_params()))
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the simulink model. This clears all signal values and reinstantiates the model. """ self._model.reset()
[docs] def step(self, iterations: int = 1): """ Step the simulink model Args: iterations: Number of timesteps to step internally. :code:`model.step(10)` is equivalent to calling :code:`for _ range(10): model.step(1)` functionally, but compiled. Raises: RuntimeError: If the model encounters an error (these will be raised from simulink). Most commonly, this will be `simulation complete`. """ self._model.step(iterations)
@property def tFinal(self) -> float: """ Get the final timestep of the model. Returns: float: Final timestep of the model (seconds from zero). """ return self._model.tFinal() @property def step_size(self) -> float: """ Get the step size of the model Returns: float: step size of the fixed step solver. """ return self._model.step_size()
[docs] def set_tFinal(self, tFinal: float): """ Change the final timestep of the model Args: tFinal: New final timestep of the model (seconds from zero). Raises: ValueError: if tFinal is <= 0 """ if tFinal <= 0: raise ValueError("new tFinal must be > 0") self._model.set_tFinal(tFinal)
[docs] def get_signal(self, block_path, model_name=None, sig_name="") -> "np.ndarray": """ Get the value of a signal Args: block_path: Path to the originating block model_name: Name of the model provided by :func:`pysimlink.print_all_params`. None if there are no model references (using :code:`None` will retrieve from the root model). sig_name: Name of the signal Returns: Value of the signal at the current timestep """ model_name = self._model_paths.root_model_name if model_name is None else model_name sig_type = self._model.desc_signal(model_name, block_path, sig_name) if sig_type.cDataType == "struct": data = self._model.get_signal_union(model_name, block_path, sig_name) return getattr(data, sig_type.mwType) else: data: "np.ndarray" = self._model.get_signal_arr(model_name, block_path, sig_name) if data.size == 1: return data.item() else: return data
[docs] def get_block_param(self, block_path, param, model_name=None) -> "np.ndarray": """ Get the value of a block parameter Args: block_path: Path the block within the model param: Name of the parameter to retrieve model_name: Name of the model provided by :func:`pysimlink.print_all_params`. None if there are no model references. Returns: np.ndarray with the value of the parameter """ model_name = self._model_paths.root_model_name if model_name is None else model_name return self._model.get_block_param(model_name, block_path, param)
[docs] def get_model_param(self, param, model_name=None) -> "np.ndarray": """ Get the value of a model parameter Args: param: Name of the parameter to retrieve model_name: Name of the model provided by :func:`pysimlink.print_all_params`. None if there are no model references. Returns: np.ndarray with the value of the parameter """ model_name = self._model_paths.root_model_name if model_name is None else model_name return self._model.get_model_param(model_name, param)
[docs] def get_models(self) -> "list[str]": """ Gets a list of all reference models (and the root model) in this model. Returns: list of paths, one for each model """ return self._model.get_models()
[docs] def set_block_param( self, block: str, param: str, value: "anno.ndarray", model_name: "anno.Union[str,None]" = None, ): """ Set the parameter of a block within the model. Args: block: Path to the block within the model param: Name of the parameter to change value: new value of the parameter model_name: Name of the model provided by :func:`pysimlink.print_all_params`. None if there are no model references. Raises: RuntimeError: If the value array is not the correct shape or orientation as the parameter to change """ model_name = self._model_paths.root_model_name if model_name is None else model_name info = self._model.block_param_info(model_name, block, param) dtype = DataType(info) value = cast_type(value, dtype, self.orientations) self._model.set_block_param(model_name, block, param, value)
[docs] def set_model_param( self, param: str, value: "anno.ndarray", model_name: "anno.Union[str,None]" = None ): """ Set a model parameter. Args: param: Name of the parameter to change value: new value of the parameter model_name: Name of the model provided by :func:`pysimlink.print_all_params`. None if there are no model references. Raises: RuntimeError: If the value array is not the correct shape or orientation as the parameter to change """ model_name = self._model_paths.root_model_name if model_name is None else model_name info = self._model.model_param_info(model_name, param) dtype = DataType(info) value = cast_type(value, dtype, self.orientations) self._model.set_model_param(model_name, param, value)